The One Deeper Blog & Podcast
The One Deeper Podcast
Ep.38 - Maryam Alimardani : Brain-Computer Interfacing

Ep.38 - Maryam Alimardani : Brain-Computer Interfacing

In this episode I’m joined by Dr Maryam Alimardani. Maryam is an associate professor at Tilburg University’s Department of Cognitive Science & A.I.

Find her research on her Google Scholar page

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Human-Robot interaction: The potential of robots in educational settings and importance of developing effective human-robot communication.

  • Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) : We delve into how they work,

    the use of BCIs for medical applications, educational tools and enhancing human capabilities, including the possibilities for neuroprosthetics.

  • Future directions in BCI research : We discuss future prospects for the field, the limitations and problems that need to be addressed.

Some things we mentioned:

Rubber hand illusion
Paper - Humanlike robot hands controlled by brain activity arouse illusion of ownership in operators

How do we safely study living brains ?
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

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The One Deeper Blog & Podcast
The One Deeper Podcast
The multitudes of who we are and the different layers of life that we inhabit. From the atoms we don't see to the family relations that we can't live without, let's traverse the levels of the human condition.
In this show, I have no reservations and I look for the parts unknown. From the most empirical to the least quantifiable, let's go on a journey.